Several months ago, two friends challenged me to post three pieces of my art work every day for five days on Facebook. When the first friend (fellow student Richard Hudon) made the challenge I panicked. I didn’t think I had 15 pieces I’d be willing to share so publically.

Later in the day, my former drawing teacher, Lucy Ellen Smith sent me the same challenge. When something keeps coming up I think it’s important to pay attention, so I took a deep breath and took the challenge.

These are the pieces I posted. Most are oils, a few are acrylics and one is a skirt made entirely out of vegetables.

VW paintings

Paintings of people

Bicyclists, beekeeper suit and parboiling beans

Creation out of food, wisteria vine and vase

Collage of fruit

I’m grateful to Richard and Lucy for presenting me with the challenge and proud of myself for seeing it through.  It was a huge boost to my self-confidence and also got me my first commission. Some dares are definitely worth taking!

Categories: Blog


Marty Baker · July 18, 2015 at 5:12 am

I love your artwork, Diane, but even more I love the message here.. to hold oneself open to the opportunities and challenges that life presents us, and to risk going outside our comfort zone at times. Well done!

    dianeatwood · July 18, 2015 at 3:01 pm

    Thank you so much Marty! I believe very strongly that if something speaks to you, you have to listen. I don’t want to be taking my last breath kicking myself for not doing something I really wanted to do.

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